Privacy Policy

Terms of Use


A. Content: All content published via the Media Channels, including text, photos, and videos, regardless of whether it is produced by YouGamble or third parties (including Users), and regardless of whether it is editorial or commercial in nature. Where “Media Channel” is mentioned in these Terms of Use, it also includes the content contained therein.

C. Use: The use of a Media Channel in the broadest sense, including viewing, downloading, and uploading Content.

D. User: Anyone who uses a Media Channel in any way.

E. User Content: All Content offered by a User to YouGamble (except for comments), regardless of the manner in which it is offered (such as via an upload facility, email, or WhatsApp).

F. Terms of Use: The present terms of use.

G. House Rules: The house rules of the Media Channels, as found at

H. Media Channels: All channels operated by YouGamble, including the website, (mobile) applications, and social media channels such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Applicability and Scope:

These Terms of Use apply to any Use of all Media Channels. By using a Media Channel, you declare that you have taken note of and agree to these terms of use.

Intellectual Property Rights:

All (intellectual) property rights with regard to the Media Channels, including copyright, trademark, database, and trade name rights, are held by YouGamble and/or its licensors. The right to Use a Media Channel does not imply any transfer, license, or other (usage) right with regard to these (intellectual) property rights, unless otherwise specified in these Terms of Use.

YouGamble expressly reserves the copyright to the Media Channels. It is not permitted to reproduce and/or make public (parts of) the Media Channels in any way without prior written consent from YouGamble.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is permitted to hyperlink to a Media Channel and/or embed Content without prior permission from YouGamble. Framing a Media Channel is expressly not allowed. It is also prohibited to use software or any automated system to obtain information from the Media Channels (so-called ‘scraping’). It is not allowed to circumvent, disable, or otherwise influence the security of a Media Channel or its components, or to hinder or restrict its use by third parties.


YouGamble takes constant care and attention to the content of the Media Channels. Nevertheless, YouGamble does not provide any guarantees regarding the (content of the) Media Channels. Statements and opinions expressed by third parties on the Media Channels are those of the respective third party and not necessarily those of YouGamble. YouGamble neither guarantees nor endorses any product or service mentioned on the Media Channels, nor does it guarantee the claims made by the provider of these products or services.

YouGamble is not responsible for the content of third-party Media Channels referred to, for example, via a link in the Media Channels. YouGamble is not liable for any damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the use of the Media Channels or the (temporary) impossibility to Use a Media Channel, for whatever reason.

User Content:

User Content must comply with the House Rules of the Media Channel and may not violate the law, infringe upon the rights of third parties (including intellectual property rights, privacy, and portrait rights), or otherwise be unlawful towards third parties or YouGamble. User Content may not contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or other harmful software that could damage a Media Channel, make it unusable or inaccessible, or otherwise cause harm to YouGamble and/or other Users.

By offering User Content, the User declares and warrants to be entitled to make this User Content public, reproduce it, and license it to YouGamble and other Users. The User grants YouGamble an irrevocable, worldwide, unlimited, non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable license for any use, reproduction, distribution, making of derivative works, display, and performance of that User Content, for any purpose and in any manner, as well as the right to store the User Content in (electronic) files. The User grants other Users an irrevocable, worldwide, unlimited, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to access that User Content via a Media Channel, and to use, reproduce, distribute, make derivative works, display, and perform that User Content within the functionalities of a Media Channel and to the extent explicitly permitted under these Terms of Use.

YouGamble reserves the right to:

• Post, shorten, modify, and delete User Content at its own discretion;

• Remove Comments if they violate these Terms of Use and/or the House Rules;

• Watermark User Content with a logo to trace the reposting of this User Content by third parties. It is not allowed to modify, move, or remove a watermark.

Creation and Use of an Account:

The following conditions apply to the creation and use of an account:

• The data provided when creating an account must be complete and correct. It is not permitted to create an account in someone else’s name or to assume a false identity;

• You are responsible for keeping your username/login code and password strictly confidential. It is not allowed to grant third parties access to Media Channels using your account;

• If and when you suspect that your account is being used unlawfully, you must immediately notify YouGamble. In that case, YouGamble is entitled to take all measures it deems necessary to protect its Media Channels and other Users, and you must fully cooperate with this;

• YouGamble reserves the right to refuse, delete, or temporarily block access to an account, for example, if these Terms of Use and/or the House Rules are violated via this account.

YouGamble is entitled to deny access to the Media Channels to Users who act in violation of these Terms of Use and/or the House Rules, for example, by blocking an IP address.


YouGamble reserves the right to change the content of these Terms of Use at any time. The amended Terms of Use shall come into effect upon their publication.