House rules

Respectful Conduct: We expect all users to behave respectfully towards each other. Discrimination, hate speech, bullying, or any other inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

No Illegal Activities: It is prohibited to promote, encourage, or engage in illegal activities on YouGamble. This includes sharing illegally obtained content, such as stolen software or copyrighted materials.

No Spam: Posting unsolicited commercial messages, repeatedly posting the same content, or engaging in other forms of spam is not allowed.

Intellectual Property Rights: Respect the intellectual property rights of others. Do not post content for which you do not have rights, such as copyrighted material, without permission from the owner.

No Harmful Content: It is not permitted to post content that may be harmful to other users, such as viruses, malware, or phishing links.

Respect Privacy: Do not post personal information about others without their consent. Respect the privacy of other users and refrain from sharing confidential information.

Stay On-Topic: Post content that is relevant to the topics discussed on YouGamble. Off-topic posts may be removed.

Moderation: The moderators reserve the right to remove posts, warn users, or ban users who do not adhere to these house rules. Their decisions are final.

Reporting Violations: If you notice a violation of these house rules, please report it to the moderators so that action can be taken.

Changes: These house rules may be amended from time to time. By continuing to use YouGamble, you agree to the most recent version of the house rules.

By using YouGamble, you agree to abide by these house rules. Violations may result in warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans from the website.